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Smooth Move Fiber Boost | Regulates Bowel Movements

Smooth Move Fiber Boost | Regulates Bowel Movements

Reduces gas, acidity and bloating

A proper fiber rich diet is intimately tied to your gut and overall health. Dietary Fibers are literally food (prebiotics) for your gut bacteria, making them thrive, impacting your health in numerous ways, including better digestive health, improved weight management and even helps regulating blood sugar.

When to Consume

30 mins after a meal

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Fuel for a Happy Gut, Healthier You.

Just eat more fiber. Probably the most important thing that you
can do for your gut and your health. This is how fiber helps you. 

Prebiotics or simply, Food for the Good Bacteria

Fiber isn’t digested in our stomach like other foods. But instead, it just passes through it and into our colon where it becomes food for beneficial bacteria in our gut, nourishing and promoting diversity in the gut microbiome. These friendly bacteria produces essential nutrients including short chain fatty acids like butyrate that our bodies thrive on.

Promotes Bowel Health and Regularity

Dietary fiber helps increase the weight and size of your stool and softens it, making it easier to pass and builds regularity, promoting excellent bowel health and reducing the risk of constipation.

Feel lighter, fuller for longer

Fiber takes longer to digest than other nutrients and it has amazing filling power, making you feel satisfied longer. This greatly helps in reducing hunger pangs and food cravings, making it easier to achieve weight goals.

Help lower cholesterol, control blood sugar levels

Fiber is known to help lower blood cholesterol levels by decreasing the low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) that benefits heart health. Further, consuming fiber helps reduce the rate at which glucose is absorbed into the body, controlling blood sugar levels.



Prebiotic Fiber Per Serve




Total Fat


Total Sugar

Psyllium Husk +

Sun fiber +

Lactitol +

Psyllium Husk

A powerful, well studied soluble fiber derived from seeds of Plantago Ovata, Psyllium is a bulk-forming laxative that helps relieve constipation.


A powerful prebiotic fiber sourced from Guar Beans, this ingredient has several clinical studies that proves its effectiveness in helping relieve constipation and constipation prevalent IBS.


A type of sugar alcohol/polyol derived from lactose. It acts as a gentle laxative that helps regulate bowel movements and makes it easier to pass stools.

Sun fiber

A soluble fiber derived from Indian guar beans, that is scientifically proven to reduce the glycemic index, induce satiety, enhance mineral absorption, and improve digestion


A powerful, well studied fiber derived from tuber or root of elephant yam ( also known as Konjac), it is clinically proven to help promote weight loss, help manage cholesterol levels and support blood sugar management.

Chromium Picolinate

A form of mineral, Chromium plays an important role in insulin function and glucose metabolism, by helping increase the sensitivity of insulin receptors and improving glycemic control. It also serves as an antioxidant to help relieve oxidative stress associated with high sugar levels.

Nutriose (Wheat Dextrin)

A soluble fiber obtained from wheat, it is can significantly contribute to sugar reduction, caloric value reduction and overall daily caloric intake management.

Green Pea Fiber

Pea fiber is an all-natural, non-GMO product extracted from the endosperm of the yellow pea and is an excellent source of dietary fiber with many functional and nutritional benefits, including a fat and caloric reduction in the end product.

Chicory Root Fibre

Chicory root is a plant that contains a natural vegetable fiber known as inulin in its roots. A prebiotic fiber, meaning it's good for gut bacteria. Research indicates many health benefits, including its ability to help control cholesterol and blood sugar levels.


Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) are prebiotic fibers that are found in dairy products, beans and certain root vegetables. GOS are loved by Bifidobacteria, a very helpful bacteria group that help produce a number of nutrients our bodies need including short chain fatty acids like butyrate, propionate.


Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are prebiotic fibers that occur naturally in plants such as onion, asparagus, banana, artichokes, etc and are a good source of soluble dietary fiber with immense health benefits.


Isomalto-oligosaccharides are prebiotics, meaning they pass through the small intestine relatively undigested and then arrive in the colon to ferment your body's gut bacteria. [5] In comparison probiotics are the beneficial bacteria found in your digestive tract that combat harmful bacteria and ensure you absorb the nutrients from your food.

Unflavoured. Just Add To Anything

How much to use

1 scoop a day in 200 ml water in between major meals like breakfast, lunch and dinner. (In the 1st week, begin with 1/2 a scoop, then gradually increase to 1 scoop)

How to Use ?

Stay Hydrated: Drinking an adequate amount of water is essential for proper digestion and the effectiveness of fiber. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water per day.

Train your gut

Each person's body is unique, and individual factors such as metabolism and overall health can impact how and how quickly a fiber supplement works.It’s important that you train your gut and your system to get used to increased fiber intake. When using fiber supplements for the first time, start with  half a scoop a day (or even less), slowly progressing to one full scoop over a week to ten days. You may experience changes in bowel habits / minor bloating, as your body adjusts to increased fiber intake.



Separately, Fiber and Probiotics are important addition to your diet but when combined together, they can create a powerhouse of health benefits.  Apart from facilitating your body’s digestion process, Prebiotic Fibers provide valuable nourishment for the gut bacteria, helping your Probiotics work much more harder. 

What’s the Scoop?

  • Dietary fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet. But most Indians never get enough fiber from the foods they eat. And getting enough fiber is not easy at all. Imagine this – it will take 7 apples, 9 cups of carrots, or 9 bananas to reach the recommended intake level.
  • But then, a fiber deficiency can create havoc in your gut and your overall health. Symptoms of low fiber diets include being frequently constipated, feeling hungry soon after eating, high cholesterol levels, feel constantly tied and sluggish, and have a hard time losing weight. Further, It has been linked to a higher risk of serious health conditions as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and bowel cancer.
  • And what can be better than Fibers? Prebiotic Fibers. Not only do they give all the benefit of fibers but also nourish the growth of good bacteria. Now, notall fibers are prebiotic. To be classified as a prebiotic, the fibre must pass through the GI tract undigested and stimulate the growth and/or activity of certain good bacteria in the large intestines.
  • The Good Bug’s Metabolic Fiber Boost combines carefully chosen set of natural, plant based prebiotic premium fiber forms that have been clinically validated to help easy constipation, build regularity and improve your bowel and gut health.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Amazing results in a week

The Good Bug really works for me, smooth move combined with Gut balance stick gave me much needed relief in a week. Now I feel lighter, active and really happy. Thanks TBG team


I tried the smooth move from last 14 days must say it's really effective .Thankyou Good bug .

Danda srinivasa reddy
This is use for weight loss

This is use for weight loss

A combination of Metabolically Lean and Metabolic Fiber Boost is recommended for weight loss.

How is Smooth Move fiber Boost different from Smooth Move ?

Smooth fiber Boost is a powerful blend of effective prebiotic fibers such as Sunfiber, Psyllium Husk, and Lactitol. Where as Smooth Move Supergut sticks are a synbiotic blend consisting of inulin fiber and clinically proven probiotics such as Bifidobacterium that helps regularize bowel movement and enable smoother evacuation of bowels.Together, they help absorb water in the stools, make them softer, increase volume, and provide comprehensive relief from constipation.

If Smooth Move Supergut sticks already have prebiotics, then why should I add Smooth Move Boost fiber to my diet ?

Smooth Move Super Gut sticks has probiotics and only inulin as prebiotic fiber whereas Smooth Move Fiber Boost provides a blend of Sunfiber, Psyllium husk and Lactitol, that work in synergy to absorb water into the stools, soften it , add bulk and relieve constipation from the root

What is the ideal way to introduce Prebiotic fiber to your diet ?

At the Good Bug we believe in the process of Train your Gut. We recognize the uniqueness of every digestive system and individual factors such as metabolism can impact how and how quickly a fiber supplement works. It’s important that you train your gut and your system to get used to increased fiber intake. When using fiber supplements for the first time, start with half a scoop a day, slowly progressing to one full scoop over a week to ten days. You may experience changes in bowel habits / minor bloating, as your body adjusts to increased fiber intake.

What are the benefits of the ingredients used ?

Sunfiber : Helps regulate moisture and electrolyte exchange in the gut,it slows the gastric transit time and increases the satiation hormone CCK resulting in a comfortably full and satiated feel.
Psyllium Husk : A soluble fiber that helps softens stools and eases passage, relieving constipation.
Lactitol: Works as a gentle laxative that regularizes bowel movement, and eases stool passage.

Why is Psyllium husk added to Smooth Move fiber Boost ?

Psyllium husk helps with constipation by adding bulk to the stool and absorbing water, making the stool softer and easier to pass. This promotes regular bowel movements and prevents discomfort from constipation.

What is the recommended dosage of this ?

The recommended dosage is 1 scoop a day in 200 ml water .We recommend increasing the daily fluid intake to 2-3 liters a day when consuming fiber supplement.

How much fiber is in a serving?

A single scoop provides 5g of fiber.

Does it have any flavour ?

Smooth Move fiber Boost is Flavourless and Odourless

Who should consider using it?

Smooth Move fiber Boost is ideal for adults aiming to enhance their fiber intake, support weight loss, manage cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and promote overall well-being.

Is it safe for diabetics ?

Yes , it is low glycemic, high in fiber, free from added sugars making it absolutely safe for diabetics. Prebiotic fiber helps people with diabetes by creating a friendly gut environment. This makes insulin work better and keeps blood sugar levels steady.

Is it safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women?

For those who are pregnant or breastfeeding, it's advisable to consult their healthcare provider/doctor before incorporating this into their routine.

When is the optimal time for consumption?

It's best taken between main meals, such as breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Can it be mixed with drinks other than water?

Enjoy Smooth Move fiber Boost by, oatmeal,smoothies, cold pressed juices, soups, any non-alcoholic and non-carbonated beverage of your choice, and broths for a delightful experience.

What's the recommended duration for usage?

Smooth Move fiber Boost is designed for daily consumption for however long you need.

Can I use it with Smooth Move ?

Definitely! You can combine 1 scoop of Smooth Move fiber Boost along with 1 sachet of Smooth Move Super Gut in 200 ml room temperature water. Combining fiber with Supergut sticks will create a synbiotic effect that will help regularize bowel movements , improves stool consistency, relieves constipation along with lowering cholesterol and improving glycemic control.

Is it allergen free ?

Yes it is free from major allergens like gluten, lactose, and soy

Are there any side effects?

Smooth Move fiber Boost is made with 100% clean ingredients which means no side effects.

Will this give me quick relief from constipation?

It is not a quick fix for constipation. It will take some time as it will help ease out constipation by naturally solving the issue from the root. It helps promote a healthy gut microbiome, improves digestion, softens stool consistency and relieves constipation

Can these cause digestive discomfort at the beginning ?

In some cases, individuals may experience temporary digestive discomfort, such as gas or bloating, when first introducing prebiotic fiber supplements. Starting with a lower dosage and gradually increasing it can help minimize such discomfort.

Can these supplements be taken with other medications?

Prebiotic fiber supplements are generally safe to take alongside medications. However, it's always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement, especially if you have specific medical conditions or are taking prescription medications.

How many servings per container ?

In a single container, you'll find 30 servings, providing an entire month's worth of support for your digestive well-being.