Swollen Stomach: Symptoms, Causes, And Remedies

Swollen Stomach: Symptoms, Causes, And Remedies

Most of us assume a swollen stomach is always belly fat, but is that the only reason your stomach is bulging out? What if it was a temporary swelling that disappeared in a few hours? Oh, how you wish it were your belly fat that vanished like that in a flash! We feel you, but sorry to disappoint, as we’re talking about remedies to reduce abdominal bloating that makes your stomach look swollen, tight, full, and sometimes even painful!

Abdominal bloating is a familiar condition experienced by people of various ages and body types. While it might not be pleasant, it's usually nothing serious. However, people often wonder what causes a swollen abdomen. It’s a gas buildup, and several factors can cause it, from the food they eat to stress in their lives.

Knowing the reasons for bloating can be a big help. Not only can it ease your worries, but it can also help you find ways to feel better and prevent it from happening again. So, let's understand the symptoms and causes of a swollen stomach and discover some solutions to keep your tummy happy.

Also read: Understanding the Difference Between Belly Fat and Bloating

Symptoms of abdominal bloating

Symptoms of abdominal bloating


While occasional bloating episodes are bound to happen, they become a headache when frequent and painful. But how do you know if your stomach is bloated or not? Are there other signs than a swollen stomach? Be relieved because we’ve detailed a few symptoms that accompany bloating for easy identification:

  • Oversized or fuller tummy: If you feel bloated, check if your abdomen is swollen or considerably bigger than usual. You might also experience tightness around your belly and feel fuller even if you haven’t eaten much. You know that there’s enough and more space in your stomach, but you feel the opposite.
  • Stomach pain or discomfort: In addition to a swollen stomach, you can expect abdominal pain or discomfort. The intensity of the pain can vary from a slight ache to a sharp cramp. Extreme discomfort is also a sign of a bloated stomach, and you feel restless and irritable.
  • Burping or belching: Burping is a way for the body to release excess air from the upper abdomen through the mouth. However, in a few people, burping or belching can accompany bloating. 
  • Rumbling noises: We believe the loud gurgling and growling noises inside our bellies indicate extreme hunger. However, these rumbling sounds can be a symptom of abdominal bloating.
  • Flatulence: Though it’s normal to pass gas, the increased urge to pass gas more often than usual is another symptom of abdominal swelling. This can be due to trapped air or gas buildup in your digestive system.

Try prebiotics and probiotics from The Good Bug to regulate your digestion and ease stomach discomfort.

Causes of abdominal swelling

We’ve seen the symptoms of abdominal bloating, but what causes it in the first place? Is it because of your food choice or a hormonal change? It’s fascinating to see how our body works and reacts. Though bloating may make you uncomfortable, knowing the reason will help you better manage it. The presence of gas in the gut is what leads to a swollen stomach, but let’s dig deeper into the common causes:

  • Gas: Excess gas in your intestines can make you feel bloated. This gas can come from digestion or swallowing air. Some people have difficulty breaking down certain foods, so gas forms and builds up in the digestive tract. On the other hand, people who eat/drink fast and talk while eating end up swallowing more air, which gets stuck inside the body.
  • Digestive backups: Our digestive system is like a conveyor belt, constantly moving food from one organ to another. If things slow down or get backed up due to constipation or weakened muscles, it can lead to bloating as food sits undigested for longer.
  • Hormonal changes: Hormonal fluctuations can be a real belly bully for women! Changes in hormones during menstruation and perimenopause (the time leading up to menopause) can contribute to bloating. Explore The Good Bug’s probiotics for women dealing with the challenges of PCOS and restore hormonal balance.

Also read: How Long Does Period Bloating Last? 

While these factors contribute to a bloated stomach, the reasons don’t end here. So far, we’ve only seen the common causes, but people suffering from serious health conditions can also experience a swollen stomach. So, watch out for that abdominal swelling that came without notice, especially if you have the following medical conditions:

  • Ascites (fluid buildup in the abdomen)
  • Pancreatic insufficiency (when your pancreas doesn't produce enough digestive enzymes)
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract)

If your bloating is severe, persistent, or accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it's important to consult a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying issues.

Tips for managing a swollen stomach

Tips for managing a swollen stomach


Previously, we mentioned that bloating is a temporary feeling that will go away on its own in a matter of hours. However, this is not the case for everyone; it can take a few days for the stomach to feel normal for some people. In such cases, you will be looking for fast reliefyou cannot appear for a meeting with a swollen stomach, right? 

Your stomach got bloated once, and you’ve had enough. So, you might be in search of ways to manage the symptoms. A few simple lifestyle and diet changes are all you need to feel your best again! If you’re wondering where to begin, follow these tips for a healthy, refreshing start:

  • Get moving: Regular exercise is a great way to keep your digestive system moving smoothly, which can help reduce bloating. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week. Even a brisk walk after the meal can create wonders.
  • Gentle massages: Self-massage can be a soothing way to relieve bloating discomfort. Gently massage your abdomen in a circular motion to help move gas and reduce abdominal swelling.
  • Mindful munching: How you eat is as important as what you eat to ease a swollen stomach. Here are some mindful eating tips:
    • Chew with your mouth closed: This helps prevent swallowing air, a major culprit of bloating.
    • Take time to eat: Savour your food and eat slowly, allowing your body to register fullness cues.
    • Have smaller, more frequent meals: Opt for smaller portions throughout the day instead of piling up your plates with too much food. This can ease the workload on your digestive system.

While following these lifestyle tips, remember to make certain dietary adjustments for a wholesome effect on your swollen stomach: 

  • Enrich your diet with fiber: Fiber is good for your digestion, so include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet.
  • Avoid carbonated beverages: Limit fizzy drinks like soda water and sugary beverages, as they can accumulate more gas in your gut and contribute to bloating.
  • Understand your trigger foods: Pay attention to foods that seem to cause you bloating, such as beans, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower), or dairy products if you're lactose intolerant. Keep a food diary to record the foods you had and identify the triggers. Consider reducing or avoiding these foods and see if that works for your bloating issues.

So, we've covered some tips and tricks for managing a swollen stomach, but what if things get a bit more serious?

When to seek medical attention for abdominal bloating?

Nobody wishes to have a swollen stomach, but sometimes, it happens. While managing your diet and tweaking your lifestyle is great, you must be wary if bloating doesn’t go away after 1-2 days. It can indicate a more serious health concern. So, before you pass it off as trivial, look out for the following red flags: 

  • Persistent bloating: If your bloating is persistent (lasting for weeks or months) and doesn't improve with lifestyle changes, it could be a sign of an underlying issue.
  • More than just gas: While bloating can be caused by gas, in some cases, it can be a symptom of more concerning conditions. For instance, persistent bloating along with pelvic pain or unusual vaginal bleeding could be a sign of ovarian cancer.

So, do not wait if other concerning symptoms like unexplained weight loss, bloody stools, persistent vomiting, or severe abdominal pain accompany your bloating. These could be signs of serious medical conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or celiac disease that require prompt diagnosis and treatment. Consult your doctor to clear all your doubts and pave the way for a healthier life.

A swollen stomach might be uncomfortable, but it’s not the end of the world. Understanding its symptoms and causes will help you stand against it. The Good Bug has exciting products that help manage the bloat and optimise your gut health. Visit our website and connect with our expert nutritionists to tailor your diet with the power of prebiotics and probiotics. Let’s shrink problems and spread out positivity with The Good Bug!










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