8 Simple Ways to Get Rid of Bloating After Eating

8 Simple Ways to Get Rid of Bloating After Eating

Have you ever been in an awkward situation where your stomach suddenly felt tight and full even before you could enjoy the meal during an event? And not to mention the sharp pain shooting through your abdomen with every little movement! 

We know bloating and gas pains are not your friendly companions, but we’re here with some exciting news. If you’re wondering how to get rid of bloating after eating a large meal, you’re at the right place. We offer great tips to reduce bloating and help you embrace a new, fuller, healthier life.

We always fill our plates with every dish we see during a wedding reception or corporate lunch. However, whether we can finish them up is a different story. When we eat more than our stomach’s capacity, it’s like we have swallowed up a giant elephant, triggering a bloated feeling

Conversely, a regular meal can also make you feel overly full. Hence, bloating and gas are linked to everyday habits and what you put on your plate. So, the next time your stomach feels like it will burst soon, incorporate the following ways to stop bloating and get back on track with your fitness goals!

How to reduce bloating after eating a large meal?

large meal


Whether you experience discomfort or pain in your stomach, pass more gas than usual, or your belly is a little out of its shape and size, you must be frantically looking for solutions. We’ve compiled 8 helpful tips to answer your question, ‘How to get rid of bloating after eating.’ Understand them and make changes to improve your overall health.  

Understand your eating habits

Admit it or not, we’ve all gulped down the food as fast as possible when rushing to the office or are extremely hungry. How many of you have watched your favourite TV shows or chatted with your friend while having food? We know all of you might be smiling to yourself now. 

The first way to get rid of bloating is to make slight changes to your eating habits. Eating too quickly can lead to swallowing a whole lot of air, which gets trapped in our digestive system, leading to that uncomfortable feeling of being inflated from the inside out. Similarly, eating while doing something can interrupt the hunger signals, causing you to indulge more. 

Your stomach is like a balloon; the more you fill it, the more stretched it gets. While a balloon is designed to expand, our stomachs aren't built for that constant stretching sensation. This overextension can slow digestion, leaving us feeling bloated and gassy as our bodies struggle to break down all that food. So, the next time you sit down for a meal, take a deep breath, slow down, and savour each bite.

Reduce the intake of high-FODMAP foods

FODMAPs or Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols are certain types of sugars and alcohols found in many foods. Our bodies sometimes struggle to digest them fully, leading to bloating and gas. Foods like wheat, beans, dairy, and certain fruits and vegetables contain FODMAPs. 

Do not worry! You don’t have to completely ban these foods from your kitchen. Listen to your body and take note of foods consistently triggering bloating or gas. The best way to reduce bloating after eating a large meal is to consider the FODMAP content.

Try eliminating and reintroducing them into your diet one at a time and see how you react. Enjoy smaller portions of FODMAP foods, understand your tolerance levels, and create a balanced diet that satisfies your taste buds without causing digestive distress.

Manage portion sizes

Seeing a splendid spread of dishes is itself satisfying, isn’t it? We often say having a delicious meal makes our heart and tummy happy. However, it’s worth noting that large, rich meals can overwhelm our digestive system, leading to a battle between feeling satisfied and a ticking time bomb.

So, how do we avoid this tummy problem? Portion control is the next effective way to stop bloating after eating. Using smaller plates, focusing on slow, mindful eating, and listening to your body's hunger cues can help you enjoy delicious food without the uncomfortable aftermath. Think of it as treating your stomach with respect—give it what it needs, not what it can technically hold!

To support your digestive health, try The Good Bug’s dietary fibers, which can help regulate your system.

Stay hydrated

To many who’ve asked themselves, ‘How to get rid of bloating after eating?’ drinking water may seem petty. Only a few realise that water is your secret weapon for breaking down food, keeping things moving smoothly in the digestive system, and preventing constipation. This process can slow down when we're dehydrated, leading to bloating.

So, grab a reusable water bottle and sip throughout the day. Aim for clear, plain water over sugary or carbonated drinks. Those fizzy beverages might seem refreshing, but all that gas builds up in your gut to make you feel even more uncomfortable. Stick to water and keep your gut happy!

Incorporate physical activity

Engaging in simple physical activities can avoid bloating after eating. They work wonders for your digestion. A short walk or light stretches can help stimulate your digestive system, help reduce gas buildup, and leave you feeling lighter and more comfortable.

So, instead of lying on the couch, go for a brisk walk, do some light yoga poses, or try anything that gets your body moving gently. You might be surprised at how much relief a little activity can bring!

Limit fatty and salty foods

It’s hard to resist the crispy French fries accompanying your burger, right? But what if we told you these fatty and salty foods harm your gut? Fatty foods slow digestion, letting food sit and ferment, leading to bloating and gas. On the other hand, salty foods can make your body retain more water, puffing you up and contributing to that uncomfortable feeling.

One way to prevent bloating is to limit your intake of fatty and salty foods. Opt for lean protein sources and avoid fried foods. Try using herbs and spices instead of heavy sauces or excessive salt for flavour. Remember, small changes can make a big difference in how your tummy feels after a meal.

Use natural digestive aids

Nature indeed has answers to all your questions, even for your bloating issues. Ginger, known for its anti-inflammatory properties, can be a soothing friend for your gut, helping to ease bloating and nausea. Peppermint tea is another natural remedy that relaxes your digestive muscles and reduces gas discomfort.

Try experimenting with these natural solutions, experience instant relief from bloating, and get back to enjoying your meals! Additionally, The Good Bug has a wide range of natural probiotics to aid your digestive process.

Consider probiotics

Another helpful way to get rid of bloating after eating is to include probiotics in your diet. Our gut is teeming with tiny bacteria, and a healthy balance is key to good digestion. Probiotics are live bacteria that can help restore this balance, potentially reducing bloating and gas.

So, how do we get these gut-friendly friends into our system? Yoghurt with live cultures is a classic choice, but there's another world of delicious options! Kefir, a fermented milk drink, is packed with probiotics. Kimchi and sauerkraut, fermented vegetables, are another flavourful way to boost your probiotic intake. By incorporating these probiotic-rich foods into your diet, you might find your gut feeling a whole lot better!

The Good Bug’s probiotics can make it even easier to maintain this balance, offering a convenient and effective option.

Disclaimer: While generally beneficial, people with histamine intolerance may need to be cautious with fermented foods.

When to seek medical care for bloating?

When to seek medical care for bloating


While the above tips can be a lifesaver for occasional bloating, there are times when seeking professional help is crucial. If you experience frequent or severe bloating accompanied by other symptoms like constipation, diarrhoea, or unexplained weight loss, it's important to consult your doctor.

They can help identify any underlying medical conditions causing bloating. Keeping a food journal can be valuable, allowing you and your doctor to track your meals and identify potential triggers. Don't hesitate to seek professional advice if bloating becomes a persistent issue. With the right approach, you can find relief and return to feeling your best!

Everyone's body is different, so what works wonders for one person might not be the magic solution for another. Don't be afraid to experiment and find what keeps your tummy trouble-free! If you’re looking for more tips and tricks for a balanced gut and a healthy digestive system, The Good Bug is your one-stop solution. Visit our website today to soak up the goodness of probiotics and radiate a healthier life!








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