Prebiotics and Probiotics: Can You Take Them Together?

Prebiotics and Probiotics: Can You Take Them Together?

Whenever you have an upset stomach or gas trouble, do you blame the food you eat? How often have you said, “Potatoes are too gassy” or “Yesterday’s seafood platter did not quite sit well with my tummy?” Though these digestive issues can be frustrating, it’s worth noting if they’re actually caused by the food. What if the gut imbalance is the real culprit? 

Taking probiotics and prebiotics is one of the efficient ways to bring balance to your gut microbiome and improve your digestive health. But this journey often leads to questions about their combination; can you take prebiotics and probiotics together or does it lead to any complications?  Prepare yourself to discover whether they’re a match made in health heaven or just another fleeting wellness trend!

Understanding probiotics and prebiotics

Have you ever caught yourself eyeing a snack bar with the label "rich in prebiotics"? Or maybe you've read about the amazing benefits of probiotics for gut health and wondered how to incorporate them into your diet. With so much information out there, it's easy to get confused about prebiotics and probiotics. Are they the same thing?  Can you take prebiotics and probiotics together for better results? 

Let's explore the differences between these two gut-friendly nutrients and discover whether they can work together to support your gut health


Probiotics are live microorganisms that present diverse benefits for your gut. They are often referred to as "good bacteria" because they help balance the gut microbiomethe community of bacteria that lives in your digestive tract. Their beneficial effects go beyond the gut, and the following are the ways they impact your health:

  • Improve digestion and reduce symptoms of digestive disorders
  • Support immune function
  • Boost nutrient absorption
  • Enhance mood and mental health

Even though probiotics are naturally present in your gut, you can replenish their numbers by consuming fermented foods and probiotic supplements. They contain beneficial bacterial strains like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, and you can find them in the following foods and supplements:

  • Fermented foods: Yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, tempeh, and kombucha
  • Probiotic supplements: Capsules, tablets, and powders


Prebiotics are indigestible fibers that nourish beneficial bacteria residing in your digestive tract. Unlike other carbohydrates, prebiotic fibers do not get digested by your body, but they pass through your digestive system, reach your large intestine, and act as food for the beneficial bacteria there. These bacteria feed on these fibers and ferment them to produce short-chain fatty acids, which support you in the following ways:

  • Improve gut function
  • Boost metabolism
  • Fight inflammation
  • Strengthen gut barrier

Are you looking for prebiotic fiber sources? Try including the following fiber-rich foods in your diet:

  • Fruits: Bananas, apples, and berries
  • Vegetables: Onions, garlic, asparagus, and artichokes
  • Whole grains: Oats, barley, and rye
  • Legumes: Beans, lentils, and peas

So, probiotics and prebiotics are your gut lifesavers. But did you know living in the city can increase your chances of developing an unhealthy gut? Hear our expert dietician talk about how a sedentary lifestyle and eating processed foods can harm your gut.

If you’ve seen products offering a combination of prebiotics and probiotics, you might be wondering if they're worth trying. This combination, known as a "synbiotic," can offer a range of benefits for your gut health. Let’s understand a little more about this synbiotic interaction and see whether you can take prebiotics and probiotics at the same time!

Benefits of combining prebiotics and probiotics

Are you double-minded in choosing probiotics or prebiotics after learning about their impact on your gut? Why choose one when you can combine them for more effectiveness? Combining prebiotics with probiotics resembles cultivating a garden: prebiotics acts as a fertiliser, helping the probiotic bacteria bloom and promoting a thriving gut microbiome. Let's explore how you can take prebiotics and probiotics together and why this synergistic approach might be just what your gut needs.

Role of synbiotics in gut colonisation

Suppose you eat probiotic-rich foods to bring beneficial bacteria to your gut. But what if these bacteria starve and lose their potency after they reach your gut because there’s nothing to feed them?  Here’s where a combination of prebiotics and probiotics work wonders. 

When you take prebiotics and probiotics together, beneficial bacteria encounter prebiotic fibers as soon as they reach your gut. This creates a nourishing environment where good bacteria feed on these fibers, establish themselves in your gut, and contribute to a healthy gut microbiome by outcompeting harmful bacteria. Moreover, the journey to the gut is no short trip; it’s these fibers that help beneficial bacteria survive the journey. 

Role of probiotics and prebiotics in supporting anaerobic bacterial growth

Anaerobic bacteria are a vital part of your gut microbiome. These bacteria play a crucial role in various functions, such as producing vitamins, breaking down complex carbohydrates, and supporting immune health. As these bacteria survive in the absence of oxygen, they cannot be made into dietary supplements. Prebiotics and probiotics can work together to create a favourable environment for the growth of anaerobic bacteria. Here's how:

  • Providing fuel: Prebiotics act as a food source for both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, ensuring that they have the energy they need to survive and thrive.
  • Creating a suitable environment: By promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria, prebiotics can help to create a more favourable environment for anaerobic bacteria to colonise.
  • Reducing competition: Probiotics can help reduce the population of harmful bacteria, which can compete with anaerobic bacteria for resources.

Aren’t the synbiotic effects of prebiotics and probiotics on gut health fascinating? But does taking them together lead to unwanted side effects? Let’s find out!

Can you take prebiotics and probiotics at the same time?

Haven’t you heard your parents asking you not to drink milk after having lemon juice or any other citrus fruit? That’s because the acid in the fruit can react with milk, causing you digestive discomfort. As you recollect such food combinations that are not to be eaten together, it’s natural for you to wonder, ‘Can you take prebiotics and probiotics together?’ Well, their combined benefits shout a resounding yes! 

But is it necessary to have them at the same time? While daily intake of probiotics and prebiotics can be more beneficial, there’s no strict rule that says you must take them together at the same time. However, if you’re forgetful, it’s better to have them at the same time. In that way, you have to remember only once to take your daily dose. 

Though taking prebiotics and probiotics together is generally safe, it may lead to temporary digestive issues such as gas, bloating, or changes in bowel movements, particularly at the beginning of the regimen, for some of you. While these side effects are often mild and diminish over time, they can be more pronounced for the following group of individuals:

  • Having pre-existing digestive issues like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
  • Pregnant women
  • Breastfeeding women
  • People with serious illness

If you're in this category, seeking advice from a healthcare professional before starting is vital. It ensures that the supplements won't aggravate your condition or interact with medications you may be taking, such as antibiotics or immunosuppressants. So, what’s the best way to take prebiotics and probiotics together? Let’s uncover a few simple tactics next!

Best practices for combining prebiotics and probiotics

So, you've finally caught onto the buzz about prebiotics and probiotics. But are you still wondering if taking them together is the right move? Don't waste time thinking, and start acting! Follow the below tips if you’re still unsure about how to combine these gut-friendly nutrients and enjoy the benefits of better gut health:

  • Start gradually: If you're new to taking prebiotics or probiotics, it's recommended to start with a lower dosage and gradually increase it over time. This can help minimise any potential side effects.
  • Stay hydrated: You must always ensure to drink plenty of water while taking prebiotics and probiotics to avoid that constipated feeling. Aim to drink at least 7-8 glasses of water throughout the day.
  • Incorporate prebiotics into your meals: Do you think taking supplements for both probiotic and prebiotic intake would be too much for your stomach to handle? Try complementing probiotic supplements with high-fiber foods. Foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains contain prebiotics, which help nourish your friendly bacteria.
  • Choose high-quality supplements: When selecting prebiotic and probiotic supplements, look for reputable brands that use high-quality ingredients and have undergone rigorous testing. The Good Bug’s range of probiotics and prebiotics are US FDA-approved and have clinically proven strains. 
  • Consider your individual needs: Monitor how your body responds to the use of prebiotics and probiotics. The optimal dosage of these supplements may vary depending on your individual health needs and gut microbiome. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalised recommendations.

By now, you might’ve got the answer to whether you can take prebiotics and probiotics together. They’re a dynamic duo that can work together to support your gut health. By providing fuel for beneficial bacteria and creating a favourable environment for their growth, prebiotics and probiotics can help improve digestion, nutrient absorption, and immune function. However, be mindful of their mild side effects.

Do not let your digestive troubles hold you back! Unlock the twin power of prebiotics and probiotics with The Good Bug. Book a free consultation today and start your journey towards a healthier you!


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